Why special emission sampling technique?
How do I find the matching sampling line? Here is the help!
Isokinetic Flue Gas and Emission Measurement according to
VDI 2066, EN 13284, ISO 9096, EPA 5, EN 13211 & EN 14385.
Measurement of the gas temperature with pyrometer up to 1600 °C
according to VDI/VDE 3511 or IFRF (Intern. Flame Research Foundation).
Air and Gas Velocity Measurement with Pitot tubes
according to VDI 2640, Part 3, ISO 10780: 1994 (E) and ISO 16911.
All parts for the sampling equipment
Nozzle, filter device, probes, suction line, impinger...
Here you can find our parts for the emission sampling lines.
Spare parts, seals, adapter, filter...