Sampling Equipment to determine aerosols and particle (TSP) in gas flow, like Dust, Heavy Metal and Mercury.
Determination of PM 10 and PM 2.5 fraction with the impaction method according to ISO 23210.
Sampling lines for gravimetric determination of particles in small scale furnaces according to EN 303-5 and EN 16510.
Complete sampling line for the dioxin and organic compounds determination according to EN 1948-1 and VDI 3499.
Sampling line for the determination of PCB, PAH according to VDI 3874 and TAR according to CEN/TS 15439.
Complete solutions for the determination of hydrochloric or hydrofluoric and similar acids according to EN 1911 and ISO 15713.
Psychrometer, Gas Humidity Sampling Line according to EN 14790, Droplet Probe according to VDI 3679, Part 3.
The Gothe gas probes can use for continuous gas sampling in high dust content, temperatures and humidity.
All parts for the sampling equipment
Nozzle, filter device, probes, suction line, impinger...