
Sampling of Dioxins and Furans EN 1948-1

Sampling of Dioxins and Furans EN 1948-1

Complete sampling line for the dioxin and organic compounds determination
(PCDD/F, PAH etc. according to EN 1948  and VDI 3499)

  • easy handling,
  • can combine and modular extensible as required,
  • minimized glass damage by protection with Aluminium or PVC,
  • universal holder for the suction tube with support for tripod-poles for stabilizing,
  • tenon joints allows a quick assembly and disassembly of the unit.

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Product no.: 30.E-X

Cooled probe method according to EN 1948 and VDI 3499, with condensate trap, two adsorber and plane filter.

5,290.00 *

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Delivery time on request

Product no.: 30.E-X-H

Heated filter method according to EN 1948 and VDI 3499 part 2, with heated filter, condensate trap and two adsorber chambers.

7,585.00 *

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Delivery time on request

Prices without VAT or delivery
% for registered customers!

Accessories Dioxins

Accessories Dioxins

Here you find all parts if more as one sampling should prepared: Glass parts, filter, etc.