short |
long |
C |
Carrying case for bubbler |
Carrying rack (22.0K-1) |
Cyclone |
D |
Difference pressure gauge -DS 1/2 |
Difference pressure gauge -DMU2 |
Difference pressure gauge -DMU4 |
Difference pressure gauge -DM |
Dioxins |
Drying tower |
Dust measurement |
Dust measurement-formula |
E |
Ejector (18.CV10 / 18.CV20 / 18.CV30) |
F |
Filterhead device: Seals |
Filterhead device: 12.02 |
Filterhead device: 13.05 |
Filterhead device: 7.01 |
Filterhead device: 7.11 |
Filterhead device: 7.2 |
Filterhead device: 7.3 |
Filterhead device: Plane filter holder |
Filterhead device: Tin box for plane filter holder (Art.-No.: 27.03-B) |
Flowmeter (19.01, 19.03, 19.04) |
Flowmeter STRL (no more in the product range) |
Flowmeter AO (no more in the product range) |
Flowmeter STA (no more in the product range) |
G |
Gas sampler (26.02-CP) |
Gas sampler (26.03) |
Gas Sampling Probe (4.21-GS..) |
H |
Heater - Filter device heater (35.03 + 35.06) |
Heater - Filter device heater for impactor (35.09) |
Heater - Filter device heater with loose NiCr-Ni |
HMG (Difference pressure indicator) |
Humidity measuring device-Psychrometer (20.02) |
Humidity measuring according to EN 14790 |
I |
Impactor Johnas |
Impactor Johnas - Excel-Datei |
Impactor Johnas - FAQ |
ISOK-Isokinetic-controler: frequency controlled (no more in the product range) |
ISOK-Isokinetic-controler: Electric valve motor (Version: Bypass-Pump) |
ISOK View (software for data download) |
ISOK CD (frequency controlled-Manuals, software, excel etc.) |
ITES-Isokinetic-controler: Manual / Software |
P |
Prandtl-Pitot-Tubes (L-pitot) |
S-Pitot-Tubes |
Cylindrical Pitot tubes |
Pumps-gasmeter-flowmeter (System info) |
Pulsation damper 17.17 |
Pump manual 17.02-SC |
Pump Maintenance Manual 17.02-SC-5 (carbon vanes) |
Pump Blow up drawing 17.02-SC-5 (carbon vanes) |
Pump manual 17.03 (carbon vanes)
Version: 17.03-SC8 (from 2017) |


Pump Maintenance Manual 17.03 (SB + SC8) (carbon vanes) |
Pump Blow up drawing 17.03 (carbon vanes)
Version: 17.03-SC8 (from 2017) |

Pump manual 17.04 |
Pump Maintenance Manual 17.04 (carbon vanes) |
Pump Blow up drawing 17.04 (carbon vanes) |
Membrane pump (26.01-cp): changing the membrane - Documentation |
Power-Plant-Probe |
Pyrometer: IFRF/VDI |
S |
Suction tubes (heated, non heated) |
Suction tubes (cooled) |
Suction tubes (Mercury probe - MTP) |
T |
Temperature controller (36.021)
Temperature controller (36.022)
Temperature controller (36.022-10)


Temperature controller - changing relays |