About us

100 years of experience - Quality, Continuity and Compatibility.
Bank details
- The company Paul Gothe is active since 1924 in the sector of environmental control technology. We decided the way to produce instrumentation for industrial environmental monitoring using advanced technology and high qualified personnel.
- The developments of our systems are in cooperation with the state country-offices always according to the German and European standards.
- Our technicians and the management come themselves from the practice.
- You must only know what you want to measure, we create with our acknowledge the complete customized easy handling sampling equipment.
- Ask for your personal contact person: Phone: +49-234 - 33 51 80.
- Why special emission sampling technique? Answer see here

Ecological and social responsibility:
Instead of focussing on single 'Green Packages', we decided to choose renewable energy for our entire product portfolio - without charging the customer. We show that it's possible to act responsibly, even in the highly competitive market.
Bank details:
Beneficiary Bank Name: Sparkasse Bochum
Beneficiary Bank Address: Dr. Ruer Platz 5, 44787 Bochum, Germany
Beneficiary Account Number / IBAN: DE29 4305 0001 0001 2098 40
(if necessary: Swift (BIC): WELADED1BOC)
Beneficiary Name and Address: Paul Gothe GmbH, Wittener Str. 82, 44789 Bochum, Germany
In case of payment with credit cards, please ask for our PayPal account.
Confirmation/bank statement about account number: pdf-file
The sole shareholder of Paul Gothe GmbH is the foundation Paul-Gothe-Stiftung:
Information about Paul Gothe Foundation
Here a few details about our workshops:
- The house and yard in the centre of the Ruhr area is our own. Exactly, Paul Gothe foundation is the owner of the property and the buildings.
- The main-house with 4 levels contains the administration, production and quality-management, including the big test-wind-channel and has altogether 1.250 m² areas.
- The main house extension for the modern CNC machines has a base of 185 m².
- The backyard building with the R+D-department and warehouse has 260 m² areas.
You see, enough space for the production of your wishes.