
Determination of organic hydrocarbons VDI 3874/CEN 15439

Determination of organic hydrocarbons VDI 3874/CEN 15439
  • Sampling line for PCB and PAH according to VDI 3874

PCB = Polychlorinated Biphenyls,
PAH = Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons.

Simple sampling line with easy handling adsorption traps.
Version according to VDI 3874: Developed from
HLUG (Hessian Agency for the Environment and Geology)

  • Measurement of TAR according to CEN/TS draft 15439

Modul 1-4 for the determination of tar,
construction according to CEN/TS 15439.


PCB and PAH according to VDI 3874

PCB and PAH according to VDI 3874

Sampling line for PCB and PAH according to VDI 3874, developed from HLUG (Hessian Agency for the Environment and Geology)



Tar sampling according to CEN/TS 15439

Tar sampling according to CEN/TS 15439

Modul 1 to 4 for the determination of tar-like hydrocarbons according to CEN/TS draft 15439.